
Smoke Free Me and Comic Relief

We were so proud of our P7 pupils at the Smoke Free Me event at the Joint Campus on 15th March and of all of our children for their fantastic fundraising efforts for Comic Relief on 17th March.

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Cyber Skills Workshop

Simon and Finlay, our guests who visited on Wednesday from the Digital Team for our Cyber Skills Workshop were blown away by the ideas that the children in the P4 to 7 class came up with during their workshop. It is always fantastic when visitors are impressed by the manners,

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World Book Day

For World Book Day, P1-7 shared their favourite books and even worked on our inferencing skills together. P4-7 were able to determine who was the owner of items that had been “washed up on the shore” and some very clever P3/4s came up with an interesting theory about SpongeBob.

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