
Farewell to Miss Fraser

It was sad to say farewell to Miss Fraser on Friday but we were delighted to share with her some gifts, cards and happy memories of the year she has spent with us. We were also able to celebrate with her the exciting news that, following successful interview, she has

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Fyne Den P1 to 3 Trip

Another fantastic class trip, this time for the P1 to 3s, stopping in Inveraray for a delicious ice-cream on the way there and having a quick visit to take a look at Inveraray Castle before arriving at Fyne Den. The children had such fun and their behaviour was excellent.

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P4 to 7 trip to Oban Phoenix

This trip was a huge success and the children were very lucky to experience the fantastic activities that Miss Fraser had arranged for them. Many thanks indeed to her for this. They got to go “behind the scenes” and explore how it all works, had a sneaky look at old

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P7 Residential to Arran

Well, the sun and sleep gods were very kind to us and we had the most fantastic time at the Lochranza Centre on Arran. The children from the three schools mixed incredibly well and I am confident that they have made new friends for High School and life. Both of

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SSPCA Workshops with Emily

We were very pleased to welcome Emily from the Scottish SPCA into school on Tuesday 16th May when she delivered workshops on Animal Adventures to the P4 to 7 class and Rabbit Rescuers to the P1 to 3 class. It was great to learn about how we can all play

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New Tayvallich School and ELC mug range.

These fantastic mugs have been produced by our Parent Council working with all of our children to provide 2 designs each that link to wildlife in the local area. The quality of the mugs is beautiful and many flew off the shelf when they were launched on Saturday 13th May

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Visit to the Silurian

Our P5, 6 and 7 pupils had the opportunity to take part in the fantastic floating classroom workshops with the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust on Wednesday 26th April and literally had a whale of a time. The staff on the Silurian helped us learn a huge amount and we

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Royal visitors to the Castle

It was very exciting to hear about the developments in the P1 to 3 Castle this week and to see that our children from the ELC visited and joined in with some creative play and joint learning.

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