Woodland Detectives with Kilmartin Museum and NatureScot

As you will be aware, over the last month the pupils in P1 to 5 have been working with staff from Kilmartin Museum and NatureScot on the Woodland Detective Project which has enabled them to build on their prior learning about the Celtic Rainforest at Taynish through practical activities that link to learning experiences and outcomes from across the curriculum. We are very grateful to Kilmartin Museum and NatureScot for providing us with this fantastic learning experience, which involved two half days of workshops in school, one day out at Taynish Nature Reserve and a further half day out planting trees in the woodland near to school. Particular thanks go to Mrs Jacquelyn Condie of Kilmartin Museum for arranging and leading on the whole project and Heather Goodwin of NatureScot who is always such a fabulous supporter of our children’s learning around environmental sustainability and biodiversity.