Tayvallich Primary School and ELC


Sports Day 2024

We had a fabulous Sports Day this year. The children showed off great skills and determination and demonstrated fabulous teamwork.  Everyone had a lot of fun!    

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Hope Spot Workshops

P5 to 7 Sense of Place Workshops I am sure that you know that the Sense of Place Workshops that took place on May 20th and 21st were a resounding success. The weather was amazing and the children engaged brilliantly with the activities on both days, even when they following

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Visit the P1 to 4 class from PC Yuill

The P1 to 4 class were extremely excited to receive a visit from PC Megan Yuill on Monday, as part of put topic work on Being and Feeling Safe. Megan answered some brilliant questions that the children had prepared and showed us some of the equipment she uses in her

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Cuban Guitar Workshop

We were over the moon that Sarah Phizaklea, as part of the music workshops that she has been delivering this session in school, was able to arrange a workshop this Thursday with internationally renowned Cuban guitarists Ahmed Dickinson and Eduardo Martin.  The visiting musicians were delighted to play to the

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Parent Council Garden Tidy

Many thanks indeed to all of the parents, pupils, ex-pupils and other volunteers who helped with this year’s Parent Council garden tidy. It was wonderful to have sunshine for the event and to see how much was achieved, including: plant beds tidied and prepared for this year’s growing plants removed

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Daffodil Tea

We were absolutely delighted to welcome so many family members and friends to our Daffodil Tea to celebrate the fantastic work of our children. The children amazed us with their baking and waiting skills, beautiful artwork and fabulous singing and playing. Many thanks, too, to our wonderful staff for putting

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Christmas Lunch

It was an absolute joy to have Christmas Lunch in Tayvallich on Wednesday. The children and staff really enjoyed the delicious food cooked in the Resource Centre by Margaret MacKinnon and her team. Their table manners were fantastic too!

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P1 to 4 Christmas and Winter Celebrations

Now that December has arrived, the P1 to 4 class has moved aside the wonderful work from their Egyptians project and has been using Advent, Christmas and other winter festivals as a context for their learning. They have been looking at number patterns in numeracy using Christmas images and finding

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P5 to 7 shortbread making lesson for St Andrew’s Day.

The pupils in the P5 to 7 class continued developing their skills, knowledge and understanding of food properties and nutrients this week, as part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum. They worked co-operatively in teams to make delicious shortbread for St Andrew’s Day and some of the shortbread was sent

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