
Christmas Lunch

It was an absolute joy to have Christmas Lunch in Tayvallich on Wednesday. The children and staff really enjoyed the delicious food cooked in the Resource Centre by Margaret MacKinnon and her team. Their table manners were fantastic too!

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P1 to 4 Christmas and Winter Celebrations

Now that December has arrived, the P1 to 4 class has moved aside the wonderful work from their Egyptians project and has been using Advent, Christmas and other winter festivals as a context for their learning. They have been looking at number patterns in numeracy using Christmas images and finding

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P5 to 7 shortbread making lesson for St Andrew’s Day.

The pupils in the P5 to 7 class continued developing their skills, knowledge and understanding of food properties and nutrients this week, as part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum. They worked co-operatively in teams to make delicious shortbread for St Andrew’s Day and some of the shortbread was sent

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Music with Sarah – Ukelele Dreams

Music sessions I know that the children will have told you all about the wonderful music sessions that Sarah Phizacklea has been leading this term.  You may also have heard about the song that Sarah has written for us around our school values of “Ready, Respectful, Safe.” If you would

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Children in Need Day

On Friday 17th November we did our absolutely amazing Tayvallich best to raise money for Children in Need.  Spots, PJs, cakes, Duck races, poetry and all sorts of art activities meant that we reached an incredibly total of….. drumroll…..  £245!!! We are so proud of our children for raising this

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Remembrance activities

In joint learning outdoor learning on Thursday 9th November, the ELC and P1-2 children made a beautiful Remembrance garden. On Friday we all went out just before 11am and watched our ELC children lay the wreaths they had made before we had a two minute silence to reflect. The staff

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Halloween Party

Many thanks to the families who worked so hard to plan the games, food and decorations for our fabulously spooky Halloween Party. What a lot of fun we had!

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Family work party

Many thanks indeed to those of you who joined the working party on Friday to transport the PE equipment up from the hall and tidy the school site, as well as those of you who tackled the growth on the willow den the week previously. The site looks fantastic as

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Tayvallich Tatties

As you will have heard, the talk of the town (or village) this week was the Tayvallich Tattie event on Wednesday. The children in the P5 to 7 class did themselves proud as they served exquisite potato-based delights to pupils from the ELC and P1 to 3 class in their

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The Tayvallich Flower Show 2023

Mrs Carter was so delighted to attend the Show on 9th August and see the incredible entries from our pupils, along the many, many prizes won. Mr Carter was also very impressed with the tree photographs entered, after working with the children on their photography skills. The quality of the

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