Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Welcome to Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Welcome to Tayvallich Primary School’s website. We are a small friendly school, with lots going on.

Our school is situated near the shore of Loch Sween on the Argyll coast of Scotland. We pride ourselves on having a welcoming ethos and a strong partnership between staff, pupils and parents.

Our school values and aims have been developed with the pupils, staff and families and we work together to ensure that all children in our school community are nurtured to be Ready, Respectful and Safe. We work to promote children’s and human rights in all we do and are committed to becoming a Rights Respecting School.

Tayvallich Primary School
Tayvallich, By Lochgilphead
PA31 8PW

Head Teacher – Lena Carter
Phone – 01546 870220
Email – enquiries-tayvallich@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Update Week Ending 28th June

And so that’s a wrap for the year! It has been a joy and privilege to care for and support the learning of our children this session. Thank you to our parents and carers for sharing them with us each day. This week has been one of farewells and looking

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Sports Day 2024

We had a fabulous Sports Day this year. The children showed off great skills and determination and demonstrated fabulous teamwork.  Everyone had a lot of fun!    

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