FOREST Workshop

The highlight of this week was definitely our FOREST workshop with Lizzie Rose and Susannah Rose. The children had the most fantastic experience and we are hugely grateful to Lizzie and Susannah for letting us be part of this important work.

More information from Lizzie’s website is here:


workshops and exhibition

FOREST is the next iteration of Carbon Legacy – a multi-disciplinary installation at Kilmartin Museum.

​As part of Carbon Legacy 375 oak trees are being planted locally in late 2024 as a restorative statement, replacing what was lost c.5,500 years ago, in our ancestors’ creation of the first known monument in Kilmartin Glen: the Cursus Monument.  These young oak trees are symbols of positive action and hope. They are a gift to the future, a token of gentle activism, and a reminder of the impacts of our actions over long time. 

 To honour and witness these young oak trees 375 people are invited to take part in the collective process and ritual of drawing one of the trees, using oak gall ink, before they are planted. 

​The drawings will be exhibited in Kilmartin Museum as a FOREST of drawings – a gathering of people and trees, seen, noticed and remembered.

The exhibition of drawings will be in Kilmartin Museum in November and December 2024, with more details to follow.

​FOREST is funded by Creative Scotland and Kilmartin Museum.