The weeks fly by and here we are already at another holiday! As I said to the children and staff in assembly on Wednesday, some of us will be delighted to get some time off and a chance to rest and do some of the things that we maybe don’t get time for in term time. However, for others of us who love being in school and learning with Team Tayvallich, the holidays may seem like an inconvenient disruption!
It was fabulous to hear music ringing out from the large classroom this Thursday lunchtime as our new music club kicked off with Miss Forgrieve. I cannot wait for the band to do their first public performance. Miss Mehaffey and I are hoping that we may be allowed to be backing singers!
Many thanks to the P1 to 4 pupils who served pancakes for the whole school on Thursday afternoon ahead of Shrove Tuesday. You can check out photos of the wonderful café atmosphere that they created with Mrs Rowe on Seesaw.
Playground and play update
We are very excited to announce that, following our consultation with pupils, families and the Parent Council, we have put in the order for new play equipment for the playground. As agreed at their last meeting, this is being funded by the Parent Council and is possible as a result of the fantastic fundraising efforts put in by them over many months. All of our Parent Council members are volunteers and we are very grateful to them for making this happen. As a small school, we have a small parent council but they always manage to achieve big things for the benefit of our children.
In addition to the purchased equipment, the children would be most grateful if you could read the letter that they have written to you, asking whether you might have other items at home which you no longer need and could donate to the school. If you are spring cleaning over the holiday, please bear us in mind!
You can find the letter here:
We are also putting a copy in bags on Friday in case you want to pin the letter up somewhere at home as a reminder.
Reminder – change to the timings of the school day
This will take effect on our return from the February holiday on Monday 19th February (Staff Inset)/ Tuesday 20th February (for pupils).
9am to 10.30 – in class
10.30 to 10.45 – morning break
10.45 to 12 – in class
12 until 12.45 – lunch break
12.45 until 2pm – in class
2pm until 2.15– afternoon break
2.15 until 3.15 – in class (ELC will finish at 3pm)
Have a fantastic holiday and we look forward to seeing you again on the 20th.