Upcoming events
Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:
In assembly this week I explained that we are also in discussions about some possible class trips before the summer but we do not have dates for these; we will let you know as soon as we do. We are also planning a two day inter-disciplinary residency around our local environment for the P5 to 7 classes from Tayvallich and Glassary, including some shoreline and water safety activities. The date for this will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Fabulous work
Don’t forget to look at the class Seesaw accounts to see evidence of your child’s fantastic work as well as ideas for how you can support learning at home and details of homework. If you are not able to access Seesaw, please get in touch.
Fantastic ELC staff
Did you know that today is the day when we celebrate our fantastic ELC staff across Scotland? Check out the Argyll and Bute Council social media pages and you might see some pictures of Eileen and Isla who deserve celebrating more than any ELC staff we know!
Bob’s Growing Challenge
Please see the latest instructions here: 24.1 GROWING CHALLENGES. These have also been sent home in bags.
In addition to the information I shared last week, I will be taking the P1 to 4 class on a Thursday for the rest of this term which I am very excited about!
Planet Youth
The meeting about this next Monday will now take place at the Joint Campus. Please see the updated flyer here: Planet Youth Poster 22.4.24.
Feedback form
Many thanks to all of you who have completed the feedback form. The deadline is today but if you have not completed the form yet, we would really appreciate it if you could so by Monday.
This will help us to identify our improvement priorities as we review our school improvement plan and identify priorities for next session. You can access last year’s plan on our website here.
Our four main priorities for session 2023/24 were:
- Family and pupil engagement in learning
- Focused support for Literacy (with a key focus on Writing) and Numeracy development
- Use of Moderation to ensure a shared understanding of standards and lead to equity and high attainment for all learners.
- ELC – Realising The Ambition, Being me –revisiting and building on our pre-Covid ambitions and integrating our post-Covid learning
We will be working over the coming weeks to look at data and evidence and evaluate how successful we have been in addressing these priorities. This evaluation will be published in our annual standards and quality report.
Last year (as you will see in the improvement plan) we also identified the following as likely priorities for sessions 2024/25 and 2025/26:
- Learning and Teaching through Play
- Digital Learning
- Refresh of Vision, Values and Aims
- Learner journey and agency – whose learning?
- Learning for Sustainability
We now need to work with you and the children to identify whether these are still the areas on which we want to focus most.
As well as capturing your views through the feedback form, we will be holding a face to face meeting in school later this term to allow discussion of how we can make our school the best place it can be for all of our children.
Please note that until the end of term, we will be moving to fortnightly updates from me.
Have a lovely weekend.