Week ending 22nd March


Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:


These week we have added the dates for our Parent Council Fundraising events that are coming up next term:

Sunday 21/4: Garden Tidy – 10am-12noon all parents and volunteers welcome to the school garden for our spring work party and tidy up.

Saturday 27/4: Coffee Morning and Car Wash – Parent Council annual fundraising coffee morning and car wash at Tayvallich Village Hall, times TBC.

Tuesday 28/5 – Parent Council Meeting – 7pm

Fabulous work

Don’t forget to look at the class Seesaw accounts to see evidence of your child’s fantastic work as well as ideas for how you can support learning at home and details of homework.

Red Nose Day

Our fabulous final fundraising total was a whopping £135. What a great amount for a small school. Thank you!

Daffodil Tea

Many thanks for all of you who have returned your RSVPs for the Daffodil Tea on the afternoon of Wednesday 27th March.  We are very much looking forward to it and hope the sun shines!

P7 High School information session

Don’t forget that Depute Head Teacher Mrs Lesley Donald will be holding a meeting for you via Google Meet to talk to you about the transition to Lochgilphead High School and plans for the weeks  and months ahead: Tuesday 26th March at 5pm – the meet link is https://meet.google.com/amu-dpgh-tsb.

End of Term

Please note that we finish at 2.30pm for both ELC and school children on Thursday 28th.

Apologies from me that the previous version of this update contained an error! Much as I would love your children to be in school with us for as much time as possible, they can go home early on Thursday, as long as this suits you as parents. Any children who use school transport and/or cannot be collected by families, however, will be supervised in school until 3pm (ELC) 0r 3.15pm (school), if school transport or parents cannot do an earlier pick-up.

Have a great weekend
