Well, can you believe that we have had seven weeks of learning already this session and in a week’s time it will be the October holidays? As they say, time flies when you are having fun and we have had certainly had a lot of fun in our learning so far this session.
Thank you!
Many thanks indeed to those of you who joined the working party on Friday to transport the PE equipment up from the hall and tidy the school site, as well as those of you who tackled the growth on the willow den the week previously. The site looks fantastic as a result (check out a few photos in our Gallery here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/family-work-party/) and the children and staff are very grateful.
Parental Conversations
It was fantastic to talk to so many of you last week about your child’s learning and successes this term, either in person in school or through a call or Google Meet.
Our next formal feedback to you will come in the week beginning 20th November, when we will send home the first written report of the year.
Tayvallich Tatties
As you will have heard, the talk of the town (or village) this week was the Tayvallich Tattie event on Wednesday.
The children in the P5 to 7 class did themselves proud as they served exquisite potato-based delights to pupils from the ELC and P1 to 3 class in their pop-up restaurant. The whole event was an incredibly rich learning opportunity, allowing the pupils to develop their learning, knowledge and skills in a number of key curriculum areas including:
- technologies (food preparation)
- literacy and expressive arts (creating menus, talking and listening using appropriate vocabulary and registers while in role and even line dancing)
- numeracy (exploring supply, cost and budgeting)
- skills for learning, life and work (understanding different workplaces and jobs)
The food was delicious, the service was excellent and the local food and drink venues can be sure of having a very skilled and enthusiastic workforce in a few years’ time.
Many thanks to Miss Forgrieve and other staff for making this possible.
You can check out the photos in the Gallery here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/tayvallich-tatties/
ELC World Porridge Day, Bookbug and Stay and Play sessions
As you all know, we love to welcome guests and family members into our ELC to join in with the play and learning.
Please see below for the dates of upcoming Bookbug and Stay and Play sessions. If you know of local families with younger children (aged 0 to 5) who might like to join us for Bookbug sessions, please spread the word.
These dates will also be added to our school calendar on the website:
World Porridge Day – Parents, Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles of ELC Children
Please join the ELC on Friday 6th October for our porridge snack at 10.15am until 10.45am
A small donation to Mary’s Meals would be greatly appreciated.
Bookbug Sessions – These will run from 9.45 until 10.15am.
Mon 2 October
Mon 30 October
Mon 13 November
Mon 11 December
Mon 8 January
Mon 5 Februay
Mon 4 March
Mon 22 April
Mon 13 May
Mon 10 June
Stay & Play Sessions
Mon 25th September 9.30 – 10.30
Thurs 26th October 9.30-10.30
Mon 20th November 9.30-10.30
Mon 29th January 9.30-10.30
Thurs 21st March 9.30-10.30
Thurs 2nd May 9.30-10.30
Mon 3rd June 9.30-10.30
Grandparent Games Mornings
Wednesday 15th November – 11-11.45
Fri 19th January – 11-11.45
Thurs 14 March – 11-11.45
Mon 20 May – 11-11.45
Mon 3 June – 11-11.45
Primary 5 to 7 only
An information letter has been included with this week’s email about the forthcoming PATCH workshops.
Ongoing consultation on potential changes to the length of the school day.
Please note that have I amended my summary of discussions at the Parent Council Meeting held on Thursday 7th September to more accurately reflect the minute of the discussions that was shared by the Parent Council last week: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/week-beginning-11th-september/
No decision has been reached as yet and we are ensuring that authority guidance relating to this matter is adhered to.
Ipay Impact – please remember to make meal choices for the week.
Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.