Week beginning 19th June


Dear families

Another brief update from me with some information that you may find useful and a reminder of some key dates between now and the summer.


I am delighted to announce that following competitive interviews, Mrs Ailsa Mehaffey has been seconded to the post of ASN Assistant (25 hours) for session 2023/24.

P 4 to 6 Trip to Oban Phoenix

As many of you will know from Seesaw, this trip was a huge success and the children were very lucky to experience the fantastic activities that Miss Fraser had arranged for them. Many thanks indeed to her for this.

They got to go “behind the scenes” and explore how it all works, had a sneaky look at old film reels, learned how much a projector costs and how many people it takes to change an Oban cinema light bulb! Some lucky people got to work behind the counter serving popcorn to the rest of class and they then got to watch Mario Bros. The class had the big surprise of their own films being showcased and besides a mild technical bump and some serious “oh no I hate hearing my voice”, they really enjoyed it.

You can check out the photos here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/p4-to-7-trip-to-oban-phoenix/

New lunch ordering and payment system – reminder

We are delighted that so many of you have registered to order and/or pay for lunches with Ipayimpact. This system has been rolled out in many schools across the authority and made paying and ordering so much easier.

Please be aware that until after the summer, starter and pudding choices will not be available online but pupils will be able to choose these in school.

If you are experiencing any issues, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions here- http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/I-Payimpact-Frequently-asked-questions-for-families.pdf

School photos – reminder

These will be taken by Mr Carter for P1 to 7 pupils on Monday 19th June so please ensure that your child is wearing clothes that you would like them to be photographed in on that day. Each pupil will have an individual photo taken and time permitting, we will also organise class photos and family groupings.

We plan that Mr Carter will be able to return to take photos of ELC children and any who were absent on the 19th at a later date.

Theatre Performance – July 12th

Please look out for flyers in school bags before the end of term about a fantastic family theatre production called the Happiness Collectors coming to Craignish Village Hall on 12th July – you can also find out more at www.audiostory.co,uk.

Key dates:

Monday 19th June – ELC trip to Inveraray Castle

Monday 19th June – School photographs – 9 until 10.30am

Monday 19th June – Talk by the Coastguard to P1 to 7 pupils.

Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st June – P7s at High School induction.

Tuesday 20th June – Tayvallich P1 to 3 Trip to Fyne Den, Inveraray.

Week beginning 26th June – end of year reports issued.

Tuesday 27th June – 2.30pm – farewell assembly for ELC children, P7s and staff. Parents are very welcome to join us – light refreshments will be provided.

Friday 30th June – School closes at 1pm for the end of term.

As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need to.