Week beginning 23rd January

circa  1785:  Scottish poet and writer of traditional Scottish folk songs Robert Burns (1759 - 1796).  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Learning across the school

Many of you have joined the P1 to 3 Seesaw classroom where you can see the fabulous work that the younger class has been doing around Highland art and tartan, weaving and all things Scots and Burns.

The P4 to 7 pupils have also done some exciting and challenging poetry and performance work this week at which they have excelled. They have also explored Highland art, Burns and Scots and created some very impressive poems of their own, in the style of Burns.

Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing activities have, as always, been incorporated through this topic work and Scottish Country Dancing has been important part of the PE curriculum in both classes this month.

Burns afternoon

The P1 to 7 pupils will come together on the afternoon of Friday 27th January to share their recent learning with one another through poetry, songs and dance. The children can wear something tartan on that day if they wish.

Strike Action Update

This is the information that was sent to you directly by our Heads of Education on the 17th January:

We are writing to inform you of additional strike action which has been announced by a number of Trade Unions which will have an impact on Argyll and Bute schools on Thursday 2nd February.  It is anticipated that ALL schools within Argyll and Bute will be closed on that day although we expect nursery provision will be unaffected. We would ask you to make arrangements for childcare for the 2nd of February and will send further communication to you towards the end of next week to confirm that the strike action is progressing.

Feedback to parents and carers

As I mentioned in December, we will be issuing an interim report soon which will give you an individual progress and achievement update for your child. This will be based on information, observations and professional judgements provided by class teachers. It will also draw on data gathered through use of the National Standardised Assessments for Scotland (SNSA) which we will be administering with P1, P4 and P7 pupils over the next fortnight as part of daily learning. Many of you will be familiar with SNSAs and their as we have been using them in schools since 2016 but if not, please check out the information at the link below:

Parents and Carers (standardisedassessment.gov.scot)

Mid Argyll Youth Chorus

I am absolutely delighted to have received information this week that the Mid-Argyll Youth Chorus is starting up again after a break caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The group provides an excellent choral singing experience for Pupils in Primary 4 to 7 and will be starting again this Thursday, 26th January from 7 until 8pm in Lochgilphead Parish Church Hall. Please check out this flyer for more information.

Have a lovely week and don’t forget to get in touch if you need to.