Week ending May 31st

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:


Fabulous work

Don’t forget to look at the class Seesaw accounts to see evidence of your child’s fantastic work as well as ideas for how you can support learning at home and details of homework. If you are not able to access Seesaw, please get in touch.

P5 to 7 Sense of Place Workshops

I am sure that you know that the Sense of Place Workshops that took place on May 20th and 21st were a resounding success. The weather was amazing and the children engaged brilliantly with the activities on both days, even when they following some of them challenging.  All of the adults who worked with them commented on their respectful and positive attitude. We are extremely grateful to Mary-Lou and John Aitchison who allowed us to be based around their home at Keills after we had to move the swimming from Carsaig Bay. Not only did we have the privilege of using their facilities but John also shared with the children some of his thoughts about why our Hope Spot is so important; having filmed wildlife around the world with David Attenborough, John has great and valuable insight into why we need to know about and respect the amazing environment here around us in Argyll.

Many thanks also to Dan Coyle, the Merman, Holy Smith, local artist, Pete Creech and Oly Hemmings from Heart of Argyll Wildlife and Keira Anderson from Argyll Hope Spot for their brilliant tuition and Ant, Tom and George for transporting us on the days . The activities would not have been possible without funding from Argyll Hope Spot.

This was partnership working at its best.  You can see some photos of the days here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/hope-spot-wokshops/

Parent Council Meeting

Many thanks to all who attended the Parent Council Meeting on Tuesday.

Growing Update

Please find the latest update from Bob here: http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/24.2-GROWING-CHALLENGES.doc

Sports Day

Sports Day this year will take place on Thursday 13th June, starting at 1.45pm. There is absolutely no expectation that parents attend but if you would like to come along, you will be very welcome.

End of term farewells.

We will be saying farewell to our P7 and staff leavers at 2.30pm on Thursday 27th June.  There is absolutely no expectation that parents attend but if you would like to come along, you will be very welcome. We will ask you whether you plan to attend nearer the time.

Have a lovely weekend.
