Week ending 6th September.

Delivering the post 2

We have had the most fabulous week of learning in school and lots of photos of your happy and talented children will appear on the website soon. Chilean music, post-delivery visitors and so much more! If you get a chance over the weekend to see any Paralympics coverage, ask your child about Charlie from Cumbria…..

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:


Indoor shoes

As you will know, in Tayvallich Primary School, the suggested uniform is as follows:

Dark trousers or skirt, pale blue polo shirt and navy blue jumper & soft, clean indoor shoes.

Please get in touch if you are unable to provide clean indoor shoes for your child and we will discuss that with you on an individual basis. We are finding it increasingly difficult to keep our classrooms clean and comfy as some children are bringing the outdoors in on their footwear!

Painting aprons

We love to be creative and messy in our school when we are learning, particularly in art and craft activities. In order to reduce your washing requirements, can we ask that you send in a labelled old shirt or long-sleeved large t-shirt (clearly labelled with your child’s name) that can be used as a craft apron. If you cannot do this, please let us know and we will provide an alternative.


With several replacement bus drivers this week, we have needed to be very clear about routes, drop off and pick-ups and have worked closely with transport on this.

If your child is not going to use the school transport provided for them this must be prearranged with School Transport, at least 24hrs in advance and conveyed in writing. All correspondence relating to a pupil’s transport arrangements must go through the school transport office: schooltransport@argyll-bute.gov.uk.

School Enquiries and Mrs Briggs cannot pass on information about changes to transport arrangements during the school day, unless we are asked to do so by school transport.

If any parent wishes to raise a concern, query or a question relating to school transport the direct contact for Mid-Argyll  is Shelagh Crouch, Admin Officer on 01436658987, or via schooltransport@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Have a lovely week and you know how to contact me, if you need anything.
