Week ending 30th August

FOREST workshops

We have had a superb week in school again and this week’s update is full of exciting things happening in and outside of school that you may be interested in.

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:


Medical information forms

Today in bags you will be receiving a form about the information that we hold in school about any medical conditions that your child may have.

The medical information we hold in each child’s electronic record in school is information that has been shared by the adults with parental rights for a child who currently attends Tayvallich Primary School, or may have been provided in the past by an adult with parental rights for a child that has moved school since registering for P1.

We check this information every August and send it out to you so that you can check and amend it if needed. We also need you to contact us immediately if you are told by a medical professional that there has been a change in your child’s medical condition.


Your child has been tested and found to have a cow’s milk allergy as a baby. This means that they cannot ingest milk or milk products or be touched on the skin by a person who has touched a dairy product until that person has washed their hands. You tell us this when you register your child for P1 and we add this to your child’s record, inform all staff and put necessary risk assessment protocols in place. This information is also pulled through into I-Pay Impact so that our catering team is aware. In February of P5, you attend an appointment where you child is tested and assessed to have grown out of the allergy. You inform us of this, we update our electronic records and no longer need to have previously agreed measures and precautions.

The type of conditions that we need to know about are any which require us to take action in school in order that we can keep you child healthy and safe – examples are asthma, allergies, long term health or mental health conditions where your child is under the care of a health professional.

If you are not sure about what might qualify, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Food sharing

Please remind your child that we cannot allow them to share food with one another in school, on health and safety grounds.

School photos

School photographs should have arrived by email today. If you have not received them or have any issues accessing them please email enquiries and we will help.

FOREST Project

I am absolutely delighted that the children have been invited to take part in a fantastic opportunity that links with the Learning for Sustainability element of our Improvement Plan.

On Monday 23rd September, they will take part in a workshop with local artist Lizzie Rose which involves creating portraits of growing oak trees which will then form part of an exhibition that will be displayed in Kilmartin Museum. You can find out more information about the project here: FOREST workshop – Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Maths Support

Do you sometimes worry about your maths and numeracy being rusty when you are trying to support your child? If so, the following opportunity may be of interest:

Argyll College has been in touch with information about a range free numeracy courses which are being delivered by UHI Argyll and funded by Argyll and Bute Council via the UK government’s Levelling Up grants.

The short numeracy courses mentioned in the poster here have been designed with parents and carers in mind, and will help adult get to grips with basic maths and arithmetic and enable them to help support and encourage their children’s learning:


These free courses are open to any adult, resident in Argyll and will help participants improve their numeracy skills and may enhance employability prospects.

Chanter tuition

Following the amazing take-up of chanter lessons with Mr Liddell this session, I want to share this information that may be of interest, from local tutor Rod Buchanan. If you would like to get in touch with Rod about this please email us at school and we will pass on his details:


I have been running chanter classes in the church in Kilmartin on a Wednesday evening for many years through the Mid Argyll Pipe Band. The band has had and continues to have a strong representation of former PS members who have learnt through these classes and some have gone on to play with the worlds top pipe bands.

Would you be able to let parents know that I have capacity to take on beginners at this time. Classes will restart in September and there is a £3.00 per night admin fee per pupil. Ideally they should be 8 or over. Note that myself and other tutors that help are all PVG checked.


Rod Buchanan

Growing Up in Lochgilphead – invitation to an event for Parents and Carers.

Please see the invitation below from my colleague Alison Munro. Alison and I have worked together for many years. I would very much encourage you to come along so that we can all work together as adults to make our locality the best it can be for our children and young people.

Dear Parents/Carers

We write to invite you to attend an overview session about Planet Youth – a framework focused on improving young people’s health, wellbeing, and relationships by working with parents, carers, schools and community organisations.  Planet Youth is an exciting evidence-based pilot taking place in six areas across Scotland, including Argyll and Bute. It is all about communities acting in the best interest of children and young people to make Argyll and Bute a great place to live.

You can find out more information here:

Home | Planet Youth Scotland

Planet Youth in Argyll and Bute is jointly delivered by education and public health and we are looking for community involvement from parents/carers, schools, community partners, sport clubs, third sector organisations and more.


The Planet Youth overview session for the Lochgilphead community will take place online on Thursday 5th September at 6.30pm for approximately 45mins and it would be fantastic if you could come along.  The form below allows you to register your interest and provide some further information about your views on growing up in Lochgilphead. 


Should you have any further questions, we can be contacted at argyllandbute@planetyouth.scot

We look forward to meeting with you on Thursday 5th September.
Kind regards

Alison Munro, Principal Teacher, Attendance and Engagement     

Asia Nicoletti, Health Improvement

Have a lovely week and you know how to contact me, if you need anything.
