Week ending 2nd February


I hope that all of you managed to have a look at our inspection feedback this week and are feeling as proud we are of our school and pupils. We had a whole-school celebratory assembly on Wednesday and some cake!

We also took this assembly as an opportunity to remind pupils that, although adults serve and share food with them in school, we do so having communicated with you around food allergies and preferences. We explained that you as parents may also send snack foods in for your own child as you know what they can and cannot eat but that they as children must not share food in school as they may not be fully aware of other children’s needs.

This week the Primary 1 to 4 class had another cause for celebration as they found out that they won the Argyll and Bute Sumdog competition, out of 43 classes taking part. We are very, very proud of them.

You may also have heard that the chairs in the P5 to 7 class went on strike this week and the class had to use their persuasive writing skills to get them back. Luckily they were successful!!

Music Club

Several pupils have been playing music with Miss Forgrieve at lunch times recently and this has developed into a request for a regular music club. Music club will therefore be led by Miss Forgrieve and some of our pupils on a Thursday lunchtime. All pupils are welcome to attend and bring in a small musical instrument from home, if they have one. There is no expectation that pupils will bring in an instrument and if they do, it will be treated as any personal belonging and they must take responsibility for it.

Environment Club

We are very fortunate that Kat Hill, the Community Engagement Coordinator from Highlands Rewilding, will be working with us as part of learning for sustainability over the coming months. As part of this, she will be leading an environment club along with some of our pupils on a Tuesday lunchtime, starting after the February holiday.

Consent for photos and videos

On Monday we will send home updated consent forms for photos and videos; these have been issued by the Argyll and Bute Data Protection Officer to keep us in line with data sharing principles.

Please ensure that these are returned to school by Wednesday of next week.

Reminder – change to the timings of the school day

This will take effect on our return from the February holiday on Monday 19th February (Staff Inset)/ Tuesday 20th February (for pupils).

9am to 10.30 – in class

10.30 to 10.45 – morning break

10.45 to 12 – in class

12 until 12.45 – lunch break

12.45 until 2pm – in class

2pm until 2.15– afternoon break

2.15 until 3.15 – in class (ELC will finish at 3pm)

Have a great final week of term and you know where I am, if you need anything.