Week ending 25th October

Words you say

It has been fantastic to be back in school this week after the break and to catch up with the children and their news.

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:



It may be that you do not see as many posts on Seesaw just now as we are having some technical issues around uploading photos. Please bear with us while we seek advice around this.

Updated Menu

Catering have updated the school menu for this term and a paper copy was sent home in bags today. You should continue to make your selections using ipayimpact online but we hope having a full copy of the menu might help with choices as it provides details not online such as the kind of soup, or what is available for dessert.

A digital copy of the menu is also available online here: http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Primary-menu-2024-term-2.pdf

Village Halloween Party

A reminder that the Halloween Party is this Sunday, 27th October from 4-6pm in Tayvallich Village Hall. Fun and games, competitions for best costume and best pumpkin and lots of party food and treats. Everyone is welcome!

Halloween party – in school

On Friday the 1st of November we will be having a small Halloween party in school time. There is no obligation for anyone to dress up or purchase an outfit for this event, however, individuals are more than welcome to bring an existing Halloween costume to change into if they wish. We will also be wishing Mrs Dixon well for her maternity leave during our party as it will be her last day with us for a while.

Learning Together

Many thanks to those of you who got back to us by Wednesday with information as per below:

  • Days and dates between October 28th and the end of February when you could come in to school and experience learning alongside your child.
  • Whether you would be willing to talk to your child’s class about the work you do and if so, how and when you would like to do this.

We will be in touch soon with dates and times for these opportunities. If you have not managed to let us know your availability yet, please do so as soon as possible.


On Tuesday I had the immense privilege of attending a training session with Drs Marion Burns and Aline Wendy Dunlop who are international experts on early childhood development, learning and play. One of the key messages they gave was around the crucial importance of adult modelling for children and I was reminded of this image, which is so pertinent to both school staff and family members:

Have a lovely weekend.
