Week ending 23rd August.


Well, that is the first full week of term done and it has been packed full of learning and fun!

As promised last week, please check out our website gallery for pictures of our children’s amazing achievements at the Tayvallich Flower Show:

Flower and produce show 2024 – Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:


Data checking and consent forms

Many thanks indeed for returning these so promptly.


Our next Childsmile visit will take place on 19th November.

School lunches

Since its introduction last year, IPay Impact has been a huge success in terms of making sure that our children eat happily and healthily in school. As you will know you cannot see the sides and puddings menu in Ipay Impact but this information is available on the Argyll and Bute School Meals page here:

Primary menu 2024 2 choice v2 (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

We have put a copy of this menu into school bags today for ease.

We know that some of our children are influenced by our pudding choices when it comes to choosing whether to have a school meal or packed lunch and there has been a lot of talk this week about next Friday being waffles and ice-cream day! (Week 3).

Please note that Tayvallich Primary School is no longer a nut-free setting.

School transport – request

The School Transport Team is looking for people to join their supply list of Drivers and Pupil Escorts in all areas? If anyone is interested and would like more information they should contact Andrea Moir by Tel. 01369 708662 or email andrea.moir@argyll-bute.gov.uk or Shelagh Croucher by Tel. 01436 658987 or email shelagh.croucher@argyll-bute.gov.uk    

School photos

These have all been taken and digital copies will be sent to you next week.

Have a lovely week and you know how to contact me, if you need anything.
