Another very proud Head Teacher week! Lovely, positive feedback from David (active Schools) and Emily (PATCH Project) about how well the P6s and 7s engaged with them and modelled being Ready, Respectful and Safe. I am so lucky to have my job and am inspired in every interaction I have with every one of your children.
Upcoming events
Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:
Fabulous work
Don’t forget to look at the class Seesaw accounts to see evidence of your child’s fantastic work as well as ideas for how you can support learning at home and details of homework.
Reminder – Parents’ Evenings
Parents’ Evenings are being held on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th March from 3.30 to 4.45pm and Mrs Briggs has done a fantastic job of making sure that you have a 10 minute appointment to suit you, if you have requested one. The focus of the conversation will be the levels that have recently been assigned to your child for literacy and numeracy and a chance for you to understand the evidence behind those levels.
Whole School Trip
We are very excited to confirm that our trip on Wednesday 13th March will be to the Lomond Sea Life Centre!
We will travel on a West Coast Motors Coach, leaving at 9am from the Village Hall and returning at 6pm. Consent forms for the children will be issued next week.
Many thanks to those of you who have confirmed that you will be able to join us. If you have not let me know yet, please email me at by Monday 4th March as we need to book places.
Message from Jay Helbert, Head of Lochgilphead Joint Campus
Planet Youth has a new forum for Mid Argyll which consists of partners in health, police, third sector, education and parents. It uses local data to identify and then seek solutions to the issues that can make growing up in Mid Argyll as a teenager difficult.
The forum would like to invite parents of pre-teens (P5 upwards) to join us. The aim is that parents can share concerns they might have about what faces their children when they get to the teenage years and then take part in conversations about how, together, we can support teenagers and their parents.
Please see a poster here Planet Youth Poster 11.3.24 for the next meeting which is due to take place at MAYDS in a few weeks’ time.
Have a lovely weekend and you know where I am, if you need anything.