Week ending 17th May

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:


Fabulous work

Don’t forget to look at the class Seesaw accounts to see evidence of your child’s fantastic work as well as ideas for how you can support learning at home and details of homework. If you are not able to access Seesaw, please get in touch.

P5 to 7 Sense of Place Workshops

We are very much looking forward to our two days of workshops for the P5 to 7 classes from Tayvallich and Glassary which will take place on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st May in and around Tayvallich. Due to recent water quality issues in Carsaig Bay, we are exploring Keills as an alternative location for our activities on Tuesday and will be in touch on Monday to confirm this.

Information and the letter about the workshops can be found via this link on the school calendar:

Sense of Place Residency – P 5 to 7 – Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Magical music

As you will know from my email last week we were so proud of the children’s respect and engagement in the workshop on 9th May with Cuban Guitarists Ahmed Dickinson and Eduardo Martin.  You can see  more about the workshop, including video of the performers, by following this link: Cuban Guitar Workshop – Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

The children also did us very proud when they performed in the Village Hall on Thursday when they showed off their fantastic musical skills  at the lunch for some of the senior members of the community. The feedback from the audience was extremely positive and we have been invited to return. We were also delighted to be joined by our amazingly talented chanter tutor Stuart Liddell who entertained everyone with his pipes to round of the performances. Photos will follow soon.

Many thanks, once again to the fabulous Sarah Phizakalea who made these musical opportunities possible.

Visit from PC Yuill

The P1 to 4 class were extremely excited to receive a visit from PC Megan Yuill on Monday, as part of put topic work on Being and Feeling Safe. Megan answered some brilliant questions that the children had prepared and showed us some of the equipment she uses in her job, as well as her squad car. You can see some photos and a video of her car here:  Visit the P1 to 4 class from PC Yuill – Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Staffing and classes for session 2023/24

I am delighted to confirm that both Eileen MacKinnon and Isla Dunlop have been offered and accepted temporary posts for next session when Tayvallich ELC will be put into inactive status. Eileen will be working in a support capacity for Early Years settings in Mid Argyll; the settings will hugely benefit from her being able to share her experience and expertise with them. Isla will be working as a Classroom Assistant in Kilmartin ELC. If our ELC gets mid-year registrations, both Eileen and Isla will return to us. We will miss them both hugely in our staff team but are delighted that they have exciting alternative opportunities confirmed.

We hope to issue information about class teachers for next session after final discussion at the INSERVICE day next Friday.

Parent Council Meeting

Please check out the email from the Parent Council about the next Parent Council Meeting, which takes place on 28th May.

Young Scot Cards

All P7 pupils should now have received their National Entitlement/Young Scot Card if parents applied as requested when you registered your child for High School using the link here: Under 22 NEC Application Form (custhelp.com)

Please remember that the cards are required for school transport at High School.

Parents of younger pupils can also apply for the cards and gain access to free bus travel across Scotland as well as other benefits. You can find more information here: https://young.scot/the-young-scot-card/

PATCH Newsletter

Emily Love has been in touch with a newsletter liking to the very important work she has been doing with our P5,6, and 7 pupils. You can find the newsletter by following the link here:  PATCH Newsletter – Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Have a lovely weekend.
