Upcoming events
Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events:
We have had another fantastic week of learning this week, with some great opportunities to show off our school and the brilliant work that pupils and staff do.
Our Open Afternoon in the ELC today was well attended and we were so proud of the older pupils who helped with preparations for the afternoon and to the younger class who went across and played beautifully with our visitors. Many thanks also to Eileen and Isla for coming back for the afternoon. Check out some pictures of the event here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/our-elc-open-afternoon/
Our new lunchtime clubs are really taking off. Today the children and Miss Fraser had lots of fun and in learned new skills in Technology and Art club, as you can see here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/art-and-technology-club/
P7 health screening
Envelopes are in bags today (addressed to each child but in reality for the parent/carer) with consent forms for the NHS P7 health screening that will happen later this term.
P1 and P7 dental screening took place this week on Wednesday and the children were fabulous follow up letters will come directly from the NHS to you.
Mid Argyll Music Festival
The festival will be happening again this year, after a break following COVID-19. We will be working in school on some entries but in case your child has tuition out of school, you can find the syllabus here: Syllabus 2025
More information to follow.
Fabulous Family Fridays
We have a very exciting offer involving Venture West that we are going to be taking up as our next FFF activity, with Eilidh and Sandy Campbell. More information to follow.
Planet Youth
As part of the wider Planet Youth development across the authority, the Planet Youth Team is scheduling a series of social media posts raising awareness of Planet Youth and then linking to supportive information leaflets for parents/carers and community members on various health topics. These posts will all come from the ‘Healthy Argyll and Bute’ Facebook page.
Further information about Planet Youth can be found here: Home | Planet Youth Scotland
Have a lovely weekend.