Week Ending 16th August


I hope that everyone had a good first week of term. We certainly did in school and were delighted to have the children back. I enjoyed giving them their lucky start of term rocks – because they all rock!

Check out our website gallery soon for some photos of the first week back and of the amazing entries that the children made into the Tayvallich Flower Show.

Upcoming events

Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events in addition to those detailed below:


Fabulous work

We will be starting to use our Seesaw accounts over the next couple of weeks again so that you can see evidence of your child’s fantastic work as well as ideas for how you can support learning at home and details of homework.

Data checking and consent forms.

All pupils will come home today with a sealed envelope.

In this, you will find:

  • The annual data check form that asks you about your contact details and those of other emergency contacts for your child as well as any medical information that we hold about your child. Please read this very carefully, make any changes as necessary, sign each of the pages at the bottom and return the forms to school in a sealed envelope at your earliest convenience and no later than Tuesday 20th August 2024;
  • The Privacy Notice and consents form that relates to your permission for us to use or share images and videos of your child and/or your child’s work;
  • A letter about flu vaccinations from the NHS
  • A letter about the NHS Childsmile Toothbrushing Programme
  • The Argyll and Bute General Privacy Notice

Patch Project

As I mentioned last week, Emily will be back on Tuesday next week delivering workshops on personal safety to the children in P4 to P7. Don’t forget that you can find information about PATCH and the workshop content in the parental newsletter here: http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/PATCH-Newsletter.pdf]

School Photographs

Mr Carter will be in school next Wednesday morning to take updates individual and group photographs of the pupils so please make sure they are dressed as you would like them to be for these.

Communication Protocol

Please check out our slightly amended communication protocol for 2024 on the school website here. The main change is to the hours that school reception (Enquiries) will be staffed so that phone calls can be taken and emails responded to.

Supporting School Attendance

You will have received a communication directly from our Heads of Service Jen Crockett and Wendy Brownlie around how we work with you to ensure that your children can make the most of the learning opportunities that we offer and are in class as much as possible.  You can find the information leaflet was issued last session about our Maximising Attendance work on the school website here: 240112-AB-Maximising-Attendance-Leaflet-for-Parents.pdf (tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk)

A message from David Carruthers

I had a lovely message from local Minister David Carruthers last week, You will know that we have worked closely with him and other local faith leaders in the past as part of our learning about faith and religion.

He said:

“Already you will be making plans for this term and I just wanted you to know that the schools were in our congregational prayers on Sunday past (and will continue to be so from time to time).

Further, I wanted you to know that I am willing to visit your school and would welcome the children in any of our churches.”

Have a lovely weekend and you know how to contact me, if you need anything.
