Upcoming events
Don’t forget to check the school calendar for upcoming events:
We have so enjoyed being back at school and seeing the children this week. Although it has been very cold and there have been a lot of winter bugs going around, we have made sure that everyone has been warm and cosy when learning inside and wrapped up well for the weather when learning and playing outside.
Rights Respecting Schools Award.
Miss Logan and I were absolutely delighted to get an email on the last Friday before the Christmas holidays with the following news:
Thank you for your Bronze: Rights Committed application form and evidence towards the first stage of the UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award.
Congratulations, Tayvallich Primary School is now a RRSA Bronze: Rights Committed School
I am very grateful to Miss Logan for drawing together the evidence and action plan for this but also to all of the pupils and adults who have helped raise awareness around rights across the school community. We will share more information about next steps soon.
We have a short half term ahead before the next break but lots of fabulous learning planned. We will be focussing on a number of key projects linked to our improvement priorities.
This week the pupils have been involved in planning lunchtime clubs and today Miss Fraser and a number of pupils had a great time taking part in science club, craft club, still life art club and farming club. The children have played a key role in the planning of these clubs and ensuring that there are activities that suit every pupil’s interests and needs.
Check out the photos here: Lunchtime clubs – Tayvallich Primary School and ELC
As you will know, we are holding an ELC open afternoon next Friday (17th), ahead of ELC registration week. The advert below has appeared in the local press and we would be most grateful if you can share it widely. Mrs MacKinnon will be back for the afternoon and our children will be on hand to welcome visitors and help show off our fabulous setting.
We plan to create a handout for visitors, of feedback from both the children and parents/carers who have experience of our ELC. We would be most grateful if you would email enquiries-tayvallich@argyll-bute.gov.uk by the end of Wednesday 15th January with a short description of the positive experience that your child had at our ELC. If possible, please include specific examples of things that you/your child particularly benefitted from. We could make these anonymous if you wish but having your name associated with what you write would add impact and authenticity. Please do not include your child’s name, however.
Fabulous Family Fridays
Following on from our fantastic visit to the Tayvallich Estate where we saw Rowan and Ewan Paterson at work, we would love it if those of you who have volunteered to come and talk about your work could do so over the coming weeks. We are looking for a volunteer on the afternoon of Friday 24th January and another on the afternoon of Friday 31st January, please. Can you email lena.carter@argyll-bute.gov.uk by the end of Monday 13th January if you could help out.
We are also looking for volunteers from school families or the local community to come and do some reading and play activities with the children on a regular basis. If you would be able to do this, or know of someone in the community that would like to help out, please contact Lena, or ask them to do so. Maybe some of the older residents who heard the children sing at the community Christmas dinner on December 12th would be interested?
Have a lovely weekend.