Week beginning May 29th


I hope that you have had a lovely long weekend in the sunshine. Once again, lots of exciting things have happened in school since my last update.

P7 to S1 Transition

We were delighted to welcome Mr Turnbull from the High School on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd May when he delivered a lesson on World War Two to our P7s, giving them a taster of how social subjects lessons at High School will be. The P7s were very engaged and made a very good impression.

It is great to know that the turn-out at the P7 Parents’ evening on Thursday 26th was good and I know that those of you went along will have found it very useful.

Mr Helbert (Campus Principal) has been in touch as follows:

One of the things we let parents know about was the new ‘Planet Youth’ community project that is aimed at improving outcomes for teenagers by generating community and parental action.

I have attached a poster inviting parents to the next meeting which is on 13th June at Mid Argyll Youth Development Centre.

Please find information below about the next Planet Youth Session below. Mr Helbert and the High School staff are very keen that families of their new S1s get involved:

SSPCA visit

We were very pleased to welcome Emily from the Scottish SPCA into school on Tuesday 16th May when she delivered workshops on Animal Adventures to the P4 to 7 class and Rabbit Rescuers to the P1 to 3 class. It was great to learn about how we can all play a part in making sure that animals in the world around us are safe and protected. You can see the photos of the P1 to 3 pupils here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/sspca-workshops-with-emily/

Photography with Mr Carter

All of the staff and pupils learned a lot about how to take photographs when Mr Carter came in on Tuesday 23rd May and delivered workshops in preparation for the Tayvallich Flower Show competitions. Check out the photos here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/photography-workshop-with-mr-carter/


I am absolutely delighted to inform you that we will be welcoming a newly qualified teacher (probationer) to our staff team in August. Her name is Miss Rebecca Forgrieve, she is from Oban and she has worked in several Argyll schools during her teacher training year.

I will provide an update in the next fortnight as to the composition and staffing of our classes next session. We are working hard to ensure consistency for the pupils after the recent period of high staff turnover and COVID-19 related disruption.

Visit from Carol Murdoch, Love Outdoor Learning

The consultation around making best use of our outdoor spaces took place on Monday 22nd May as planned. Carol spoke with members of our 7 Pupil Council to find out about the progress we have made over the last year, as well as staff members. She has just sent through her report and recommendations to me and these will now be shared with staff and the Pupil and Parent Councils so that we can plan our next steps.

Coming up:

The P7s and I are getting very excited about the P7 residential on Arran which takes place next week. We will be hoping for maximum fun and sleep and minimum rain and midges!

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need to.