Week beginning 9th January 2023


I hope that you have had a lovely holiday after what was a brilliant end of term. The Christmas Gifts Showcase was such a treat and it was great to see so many of you there.
We are really looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday and starting with our learning again. Spring and lighter days are just around the corner and we have lots of exciting learning opportunities to look forward to.

Strike Action
Please remember that Tuesday the school will be closed to pupils due to strike action by teachers. The ELC will open as usual.

School Rules and Expectations

When the children return, we will be reminding them of our school rules expectations and reminding them that they need to be ready, respectful and safe in all that they do and in all the choices that they make.

We expect them to:

  • Follow adult instructions first time
  • Listen to the speaker
  • Keep hands, feet objects and comments to themselves.

We know that when all the children work in this way, everyone can feel successful and safe in their learning and across the school.


It would be hugely appreciated if you could find a few minutes to complete the feedback survey which we issue on a regular basis. This will make sure that we can be confident that what we are offering as a school is helping your child to learn and develop as well as possible. The link for the survey is in the emal I have sent you and it would be much appreciated if you could respond at your earliest convenience.

Last term we had 9 responses and it would be fantastic if we could increase that this time.  Your feedback and involvement in the life of the school really matters.


Finally for now, can I remind you that if your child has an unplanned absence from school (for example due to illness) we require you to let us know this and the reason for the absence, either by telephoning the school office on 01546 870220 or by sending an email to enquiries-tayvallich@argyll-bute.gov.uk, before 9.15am on the day of the absence.

If your child is going to be off for a planned absence (for example a medical appointment), please telephone or email about this with as much notice as possible.

Have a lovely week and don’t forget to get in touch if you need to.