Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Week beginning 8th January

Back to School

Happy New Year!

I hope that you had a peaceful and joyful time over the break with your family. I felt that in some ways, the time away from work went very quickly but then when I look at my last update from December, all of the events from the end of term seem a long time ago!

I hope that you all managed to look at the photos and video of our wonderful school show, which I shared just before the holidays. The link to the photos is here https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/christmas-show/

It was fantastic to see everyone again on Thursday and Friday and to get our bodies and brains back into school routines. Some of us find changes in routine more difficult than others. I came across this lovely resource during the holidays, which might be helpful if your child finds it hard to return after holidays, or even weekends.

We have lots of exciting learning planned for the rest of this academic year which you can see in the events calendar here: 


The first of these is our workshops with Emily Love from the PATCH project who will be working with our P5,6 and 7 pupils in the week beginning 15th January to explore personal safety, boundaries and respect. We can’t wait to see Emily again.

We also have more activities planned around how you can support the learning that your child is doing in school at home, particularly in relation to literacy and numeracy. As so few of you were able to make the event we held in November, I am going to talk to our Parent Council about how we can make the next event more accessible.

We are also looking ahead to our whole school trip in March, which will be planned by the children and to which as many of you as possible will be invited. Both the planning and the trip will provide really excellent opportunities for us to all learn together.


If your child accesses Sumdog at home, you need to make sure that you have updated to the latest version (v. 80.1.1), or it will not work any more.

Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.
