Well, it has been a busy 7 days again and I can hardly believe that a whole week has passed since the excellent Halloween Party which was organised by our wonderful Parent Council. Many thanks to the families who worked so hard to plan the games, food and decorations. You can check out some photos in our Gallery and via the link here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/halloween-party/
Children in Need Assembly
We were incredibly proud of our P6 pupil who has taken on responsibility for fundraising when she gave an assembly on our plans for this year’s Children in Need Day. She spoke with passion and confidence and was very ably assisted by her friend in P5 who gave technical support. You can read the script from the assembly here: Children in Need Assembly Script
PE update.
As well as our weekly PE sessions in the Village Hall on Monday afternoons, P1-4 have PE on a Wednesday and P5-7 on a Thursday. Children with long hair should have it tied back for PE, please.
Reminder of our Healthy Food Aims
As stated in the Tayvallich School Handbook on our website, our school aims to encourage children to enjoy food which is both attractive to them and nutritionally sound, whether this is a school meal, a packed lunch or a snack. We would appreciate your support in achieving this aim.
After events like Halloween, if children have been given lots of sweets, they might be keen to bring them into school for snack or to share with friends. We understand that, as children, they may see this as kind behaviour, even though we as adults know differently. Please remind your child why healthy snacks are much better for them, their teeth and their learning brain. Please also remind your child that any food that you give them to bring into school is for them to eat, not for sharing.
Some children may have a health condition that requires them to have a different way of eating and in this case, we will work with you individually to ensure that we support this.
Fire Safety
The P6 and P7 pupils had an excellent session with Colin from the fire service last Monday, where they learned about safety around fireworks and bonfires, which is so important at this time of year. I know that the Fire Service are giving out some strong messages about sparkler safety this year and your children will be able to tell you all about that.
PATCH Project
Emily Love has been in touch to say that she cannot make it to us this week for her workshops with P5,6 and 7 as she is unwell. She will re-schedule as soon as she is able. I have sent her our best wishes.
HMIE Inspection Surveys
On Friday I sent out surveys from the team of HMIE Inspectors who will be visiting our school in the week beginning 20th November. Please take the time to complete the survey, as your views on our school are very important. The inspection team will be holding a meeting with parents and carers during the Inspection week and if you would like to attend that you can indicate this in the survey.
Our children will also be completing surveys in school this week.
P7 Registration for High School – Information for P7 parents and carers.
I can hardly believe that it is already time to think ahead to our P7s leaving! This week, P7 parents and carers will receive information from the Central Education Team about how to register your child for the High School of your choice. As you will probably know, Lochgilphead High School is the catchment school for your child.
Working together, primary and secondary schools aim to ensure that pupils in Primary 7 and their parents/carers are well informed about the organisation of the secondary school and, in particular, the content and organisation of the first year curriculum.
Registration opens online on Wednesday 8th November and must be completed no later than 24th November. Please look out for information, which will be emailed to the email address that we hold on record for you.
Education Service Improvement Priorities
I have uploaded a document to the website which shows the improvement priorities for all schools in Argyll and Bute, as identified by our Authority Education Service. You can access it through this link: http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Our-Improvement-Priorities-2023-24.pdf
You will see that the priorities align very well with those that we have identified for Tayvallich Primary School in this year’s School Improvement Plan (also on the website here: http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/FINAL-Website-Tayvallich-Primary-School-Establishment-Improvement-Plan-2023-24.pdf
Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.