Week beginning 3rd September

Village image

Another week has come and gone and here we are into September!

Last week saw lots of fantastic learning across the school, once again. It would be great to see as many of you as possible at the Parent Council Meeting this week, on Thursday at 7pm, when you could also check out some of the wonderful work that has gone up on display around the school.

As you will know from last week, you can remind yourself about upcoming events in our new calendar feature on the website:


This week, we are looking forward to a particularly busy day on Friday 8th.

The P7s will be attending a drama performance at the High School, as part of our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum. The Smoke Free Me programme has been developed by Argyll and Bute Education, NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership. This will also be an excellent chance for the P7s from each of our schools to meet, to start their “transition to High School” journey and to get into the Campus with all of the P7s from other schools in Mid Argyll who will be S1s a year from now.

We will be saying “Au Revoir” and “Auf Wiedersehen” to Miss Fraser as she moves full time to Glassary as full time P5,6,7 teacher, when Mrs McClymont finishes up for her maternity leave. We thank Miss Fraser for being such a fantastic teacher over the last year and wish her all the best in Glassary. We will certainly keep in touch with her and see her often, as our two schools do so much work together and she will not be far away.

We are very excited that Mrs Dixon will be back after the October break as joint P5,6,7 teacher. We cannot wait to hear all about her adventures over the last year and welcome her back into our school family.

ELC staffing

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Isla Dunlop will be working with us for full days as classroom assistant in the ELC for the rest of the session, with Mrs Lisa Briggs covering lunch times to allow this. What great news for the ELC team!

Tick removal

Please note that staff are not able to remove ticks during the school day. If your child has a tick, we will call you to inform you and put a plaster over the tick so that you can remove it at home at the end of the day, or come to school and remove it yourself.


This term we are issuing a questionnaire that will help us to make sure that the teaching and learning that happens in school supports everything that you do at home.

We all know that children learn through all of their daily experiences. All of the adults in their lives play a crucial part in helping them to learn and develop, in all sorts of different ways. This may be through formal “teaching” or by adults modelling and giving examples of:

  • how to use language, numbers, knowledge and skills
  • how to behave, manage feelings, relate to other people and find their individual identity in the world.

As school staff, we are very privileged that our families put your trust in us to play a part in helping your child to learn and develop. We know that this works best if we communicate clearly with you about what we are teaching and doing in school and give you opportunities to ask us about this and join up our work with your child’s experiences at home.

Your answers to the 20 questions in the questionnaire will help us to make sure that we get learning right for your child and your family. Mrs Carter will read the information you give and then share relevant parts with your child’s class teacher, so that they can make sure that learning in school supports learning out of school.  If you have more than one child, it would be helpful if you can answer the questions in relation to each child. If you would rather have a paper copy of the questions, please email lena.carter@argyll-bute.gov.uk or leave a message on 01546 605049.

The link to the questionnaire is in this week’s email. It would be great if you could respond by Sunday 10th September. Many thanks in advance.

I-Pay Impact

Many thanks again to you all for ordering in good time and making the system run so smoothly.

Reminder – if your child is down for a packed lunch but has not managed to bring one in when their class teacher checks between 9am and 9.15, we will ask them to choose an alternative from the three choices on the menu for the day. We do not want to risk that we cannot contact you to bring in a packed lunch and that your child will not have a lunch.

Request – Ardrishaig Community Trust

Lynne Girdwood, Development Officer for the Ardrishaig Halls has asked that we share a flyer with you. Please view it here: http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/volunteer-flyer.pdf

Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.
