Tayvallich Primary School and ELC

Week beginning 30th October


Well I am sure that as you read this, there will be little talk of anything but Halloween in your house. Last week in school the excitement was definitely building!


I am very much looking forward to the Parent Council/Village Party and seeing the children enjoying dressing up and playing the traditional games. Do you remember last year when we also had the wonderful (but pretty spooky) parade at Taynish for Samhain with Kilmartin Museum?

In assembly last week, I reminded the boys and girls that not everyone likes parties and events like Halloween and that it is fine not to want to take part if that is the case.

I found some wonderful graphics about that this week. I know that some people don’t like referring to children as kids but if you can see round that, the advice is very helpful!

Fire Safety

The P6 and P7 pupils are very much looking forward to meeting with Colin from the fire service this Monday to learn about safety around fireworks and bonfires, which is so important at this time of year. I know that the Fire Service is giving out some strong messages about sparkler safety this year and your children will be able to tell you all about that.

Family Learning Workshop

As you know, one of our big projects this year is to look at how learning works and how we can support our children to learn both in school and at home, to make the most of their amazing brains.

With this in mind, you are invited to come along to our family learning workshop on Tuesday 14th November at 6pm in school. We will look at memory, the brain, retrieval practice and exactly what helps (or doesn’t help) different brains to learn. The session will be fun and informative and there will be refreshments. Mrs Carter will lead the session with input from others with expertise in the topic.

There is no homework to be done in advance (!) but if you were able to watch (or re-watch) the film “Inside Out” as preparation for the part of the workshop on learning, memory and emotions, that would be fantastic.

School Review

I mentioned last week that I would be issuing questionnaires to you ahead of our Local Authority School Review which is taking place on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th November. The issue of these has been slightly delayed and I will get questionnaires to you as soon as possible. Many thanks to those of you who have let me know that you will be able to come in and meet with members of the team when they visit.

Have a wonderful week and you know how to get in touch with me if you need anything.