Learning across the school
We saw more fantastic learning across the school this week, much of it linked to Burns Night and in line with our Scots and Scottish culture topic. Amongst activities which included Scottish dancing, poetry and tartan weaving the children have had really exciting experiences that have helped them to develop their numeracy, literacy, creativity and to be fit and active.
I had a real treat on Tuesday when I got to cover the P1 to 3 class all day and saw how engaged in learning the children are.
Unfortunately I was not there on Friday afternoon when the P1 to 3 and P4 7 classes came together to share their learning around Burns and to show off their dancing but the feedback to me was that it was a lovely celebration.
Miss Fraser is in the process of setting up a Seesaw class for the P4 to 7 class which will make the sharing of the children’s fantastic work much easier.
The Patch Project
We are delighted that Emily Love from the Patch Project will be visiting us again on the afternoon of Wednesday 1st February to deliver her second workshop with our P6 and 7 pupils on personal safety.
As you may be aware, we have had some unavoidable temporary staff absence in the last couple of weeks. We are very lucky that Mrs Zelda Mes has been available to us to cover as both a classroom assistant in the ELC and main school and as a supply teacher. Mrs Mes has a huge amount of experience as a teacher and has been a really great addition to our team.
Active Schools
I had an excellent meeting with our Active Schools Co-ordinator David McAlister on Thursday and we have started planning how he can support us to further increase our physical activity and safe play activities across the school. David and his team will be working with us to develop leadership skills in our P6 and 7 pupils and to increase our staff expertise in leading games.
P7 Residential
As you may know from the letter issued at the end of the week to the families of our P7s, we are in the process of trying to arrange a P7 residential trip in June. This trip, along with being an amazing learning experience in itself, will allow our P7s the chance to get to know other pupils from the smaller Mid Argyll Schools, ahead of them moving to the High School. As requested in the letter, we would appreciate a response by the end of the week to help us firm up our plans.
Strike Action Update
This is the information that was sent to you directly by our Heads of Education on the 17th January and still stands, as of 30.1.23:
We are writing to inform you of additional strike action which has been announced by a number of Trade Unions which will have an impact on Argyll and Bute schools on Thursday 2nd February. It is anticipated that ALL schools within Argyll and Bute will be closed on that day although we expect nursery provision will be unaffected. We would ask you to make arrangements for childcare for the 2nd of February and will send further communication to you towards the end of next week to confirm that the strike action is progressing.
Water Supply
In addition to Strike action affecting us on Thursday, we have been alerted that the water to school will be cut off on Thursday between 9.30am and 2.30pm, as part of the ongoing works in the village. I have sought advice around the implications of this for our staff and EC children and will update you as soon as I have more information.
Have a lovely week and don’t forget to get in touch if you need to. Happy February break too, when it comes on Friday and don’t forget that pupils do not return until Tuesday 14th February, as Monday 13th is a staff training day.