Settling in
We are delighted at how well then pupils have settled in to the new term and learning routines.
We have spent a lot of time reminding everyone about the rule which ensure that everyone is safe, healthy, learning and doing the best they can.
We would ask that you remind pupils of these rules at home and in any conversations that you may have about school with your child:
- Follow adult instructions first time
- Listen to the speaker
- Keep hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself
As we have explained in the past, there may on occasions be exceptions to these rules that will be explained by the supervising adult (for example, children may be allowed to tap one another gently in a game of tig) but otherwise we teach and expect the children to understand one another’s boundaries.
I-Pay Impact
Many thanks again to you all for ordering in good time and making the system run so smoothly.
Please note that if your child is down for a packed lunch but has not managed to bring one in when their class teacher checks between 9am and 9.15, we will ask them to choose an alternative from the three choices on the menu for the day. We do not want to risk that we cannot contact you to bring in a packed lunch and that your child will not have a lunch.
P5,6,7 Topic
A message from Miss Forgrieve:
As part of P5-7 Titanic topic we are learning about the various areas/levels of the ship. In order to visualise this in a fun way, primary 5, 6 and 7 have decided to make a shoe box layout, with each shoe box representing a different room on the Titanic (third, second, first class, engine room, grand staircase etc.). If possible, I would really appreciate if you were able to send your child(ren) to school with any cardboard shoe boxes that are no longer needed, in order to bring this idea to life. I will also bring some, so please don’t worry if this is not possible for you. We are hoping to begin this project week beginning 4 September. Thank you in advance for your help.
This week I am delighted to inform you that a calendar for the year ahead has been added to the school website. You can access this through the new green button at the bottom of the News Page on the website which says “Click here to see upcoming events”. The link is also here:
You will find dates of when reports will be issued, parents evenings, trips and other key planned activities.
I have also added events that were organised in partnership with the Parent Council last year, provisionally using the equivalent dates from last year. These may change once we have discussed them at our first parent council meeting, however.
In addition to the dates on the calendar, the following are still to be added, once dates have been confirmed.
- Family learning/open afternoons
- Workshops with and visits to Heart of Argyll Wildlife/Beaver Centre
- Music workshops with the Youth Music Initiative
- PATCH (personal safety) workshops for P6 and P7
- Visit to the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society Floating Classroom
- Workshops with and visits to Kilmartin House Museum
- Travelling Theatre Workshops
- Digital Skills Workshops
- Mid Argyll Music Festival
- Fèis an Tairbeirt workshops
- Workshops with the Coastguard
Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.