P1 to 3 classroom.
As you will know from my email on Thursday afternoon, we have discovered that there is repair work required in the P1 to 3 classroom. Following a visit on Friday morning from Mr Charles McLellan, our Property Services Link Officer and contractors, it has been confirmed that the work will be done from Monday 27th February onwards and that the P1 to 3 classroom and rooms upstairs will be out of bounds until Friday of this week.
We are very lucky to have lots of space across our school to allow the P1 to 3 class to temporarily re-locate into other areas so that they can continue with their learning. They did this with minimum fuss on Friday and we were extremely proud of them.
Active Schools – P6 and 7 leadership training
We were delighted to welcome back Erin and David on Wednesday of this week when they facilitated the second part of the activity leadership training for our P6 and 7s. The pupils once again responded extremely well. The next part of the process will involve Erin coming to school during some break times to support the pupils as they organise and lead group games.
World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March
For World Book Day this week, class teachers will be organising a range of fun book-related activities.
Children in the ELC have said that they would like to celebrate bedtime stories on the day and are invited to dress in pyjamas and bring in their favourite bedtime story.
Pupils in the P1 to 7 classes may choose to do the same, wear normal uniform or wear comfortable clothes on Thursday that will help them to be able to relax and read/listen to stories. Alternatively, they may prefer to wear something that represents their favourite book or a character from a book. This can be as big or small as they wish. There are some lovely ideas here, on the families section of the World Book Day website: Dressing Up – Ideas for Parents – World Book Day
ELC Stay and Play/Bookbug events
The staff and children in the ELC would love it if they could have some extra learning and playmates in the ELC and the following are dates and times when we would love to see family members:
Stay and Play:
Thursday 9th March 9.30-10 am
Wednesday 26th April – 2.30-3-30 pm
Tuesday 30th May 9.30-10.30 am
Bookbug Sessions:
Monday 13th March 9.30-10.15 am
Monday 24th April 9.30-10-15 am
Monday 22nd May 9.30-10-15 am
Monday 19th June 9.30-10.15 am
Games with Grandparents:
Wednesday 10th May – Grandparents’ Jigsaw Puzzle Fun – 2-2.45pm
June 7th – Grandparents’ Board Games Fun – 11-11.45am
I am absolutely delighted to announce that we recently appointed Mrs Megan McClymont to the post of permanent PT/Class Teacher at Glassary Primary School. This means that she will no longer be available to teach the P1 to 7 pupils on a Wednesday, when Mrs Rowe and Miss Fraser are on non-contact time. However, I explained to the Parent Council last Thursday at our meeting that we are very fortunate that Mrs Zelda Mes will be stepping in to fill this vacancy on a temporary basis. Mrs Mes has covered staff absence in our ELC and school on a number of occasions since August and is now very well known to the pupils and staff. She has a background in secondary English teaching and will be a huge asset to us in supporting our English, literacy and broader curriculum. I am working with our Central Education Team to secure a permanent appointment to this vacancy as soon as possible.
PVG for volunteers
In the past, we have been very lucky to have parents, carers and other volunteers offer to share their skills and talents with us, for example by driving for or accompanying school trips, helping with reading activities or running learning sessions around science, photography, music or drama. If you would be able to volunteer for us in this way, we need to complete an application form for the PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) with you. There is no cost to you for this and I would do the application electronically; you can see the information and documentation required by clicking here.
Please let me know (by emailing lena.carter@argyll-bute.gov.uk), if you would be able to offer us some of your time and talents. We would be extremely grateful!
Individual pupil progress reports for pupils in P1 to 7 have now been written and will be checked and printed this week before being sent home next week. We will then be in touch to invite you to have a follow up conversation with your child’s teacher, should you want to have more information about the report or their work and progress.
Strike Action
As you will know, the following information went to families from our Heads of Service on 16th February:
You will be aware from our letter of 17th January that strike action is planned for Tuesday 28th February and Wednesday 1st of March in relation to ongoing teacher pay negotiations. If no pay deal has been reached and the strike goes ahead, ALL schools within Argyll and Bute will be closed on that day although we expect nursery provision will be unaffected. Should the position change and a settlement is found then we will update you. We apologise that you will have to make arrangements for childcare once again due to this situation and we thank you for your understanding of this difficult situation.
Have a lovely week and don’t forget to get in touch if you need to.