Week beginning 27th March


And so we have nearly made it to the Spring break!

Last week was a bit different to usual for me as I ended up teaching in Glassary all week. I missed seeing the Tayvallich pupils, staff and families but I was in regular contact and know that if was a great week of learning.

I was particularly exciting to hear about the developments in the P1 to 3 Castle and to see that our children from the ELC visited and joined in with some creative play and joint learning. You can see the photos by clicking here

The week ahead

On Monday, we have a visit from the Childsmile Team who will be checking in and offering support around the school toothbrushing programme.

On Tuesday, I will be facilitating a Google Meet between our P7 pupils and Mr Turnbull, one of the High School Guidance Teachers as part of their transition programme. Mr Turnbull will be visiting us in person after the Easter holidays.

We are also hoping that David and Erin from the Active Schools Team will be visiting to work with our P6 and 7 pupils on the final part of their playground activity leader training.

We are very much looking forward to this week when all the pupils will be taking part in some Easter-themed activities. If the children in P1-7 are able to bring in a hard-boiled egg for a decorating craft activity on Thursday that would be most appreciated. We will have some spares in school if needed.

Please note that we finish for the holiday at 2.30pm this Friday and return after the holiday on Monday 17th April.

Progress report – follow up conversation appointments.

We are looking forward to seeing or talking to many of you on Wednesday and Thursday if you requested a follow up conversation after the recently issued tracking report.

Comic Relief – Update

I am delighted to report that the joint fundraising from Glassary and Tayvallich Primary Schools raised a final total of £215 for Comic Relief this year. Well done everyone!

Consultation on the length of the school day.

Many thanks to those of you who responded to the consultation by the deadline of Friday 24th. We will now consult with other key stakeholders and keep you updated.

Have a very restful break when it comes and happy celebrations, if you are marking a festival.

Happy Easter!

Happy Passover!

Ramadan Mubarak!

Kindest regards
