Week beginning 26th June.


Dear families

I can hardly believe that this is the last update from me of the school year. I have been looking back through the website posts and am amazed by all that we have achieved as a school. I am really looking forward to starting my second year as your Head Teacher in August.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff at Tayvallich for going above and beyond this year to provide so many amazing learning opportunities for our children.


I have also been reading through all of the end of year reports for the children before they come home to you this week. The children really have all made amazing progress with their learning this session, as you will see. Please look out for envelopes in bags. Where two parents require separate reports, we will arrange this as usual.

Coastguard visit

The pupils found it very informative and fund to meet the Coastguard last Tuesday and find out the team works to keep everyone safe in our coastal environments. Many thanks once again to Mrs Murdoch for organising this.

School Photos

Mr Carter will be in school again first thing on Tuesday 26th June to take pictures of the children who were absent last week.

After that, we will email you a Jpeg of the photo(s) of your child/children and you can then get prints using a company of your choice, if you wish.

ELC Trip to Inveraray Castle

Another sunny day and fantastic exploration of a REAL castle after all the fantastic work done in class this term about castles. You can check out the photos here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/inveraray-elc-trip/

P1 to 3 Trip to Fyne Den.

Another brilliant class trip, this time for the P1 to 3s, stopping in Inveraray for a delicious ice-cream on the way there and having a quick visit to take a look at Inveraray Castle before arriving at Fyne Den. The children had such fun and their behaviour was excellent. You can check out the photos here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/fyne-den-p1-to-3-trip/

Reminder – new lunch ordering and payment system

We are delighted that so many of you have registered to order and/or pay for lunches with Ipayimpact. This system has been rolled out in many schools across the authority and made paying and ordering so much easier.

Please be aware that until after the summer, starter and pudding choices will not be available online but pupils will be able to choose these in school.

If you are experiencing any issues, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions here http://www.glassary.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/I-Payimpact-Frequently-asked-questions-for-families

Key dates

Week beginning 26th June – end of year reports issued.

Tuesday 27th June – 2.30pm – farewell assembly for ELC children, P7s and staff. Parents are very welcome to join us – light refreshments will be provided.

Friday 30th June – School closes at 1pm for the end of term.

Friday 11th August and Monday 14th August – Staff training Days.

Children return to school on Tuesday 15th August.