Hello everyone.
I hope this finds you all well and that you have had a restful and very enjoyable couple of weeks. Autumn is now well and truly upon us, with some stunning colours around.
Unfortunately, some members of our community were affected by the terrible weather conditions back at the start of the break and our thoughts have been with them.
However, we also received some fantastic news over the break and are delighted to announce that Mr and Mrs McClymont welcomed baby Aella safely into the world on Monday 9th October. I was lucky enough to visit and get some cuddles last week. We congratulate Mrs Nelson on becoming a grandma and of course Mrs McClymont was an important part of our school family last year.
We are very much looking forward to seeing the children again this week and getting back to learning and we are also delighted to welcome Mrs Dixon back after her maternity leave.
There are lots of exciting events coming up in the weeks ahead and you can find out more about them by checking our calendar here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/events/
The ELC has a number of Bookbug, Stay and Play and Grandparent Games sessions planned – please share the information with anyone who may be interested in coming along.
You will also see that we will be welcoming members of the Central Education Team in to our classrooms and ELC on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th November for a School Review; they will find out all about our learning, in order to support us on our improvement journey. I will be issuing questionnaires to you with my next update on behalf of the review team so that they can capture your views about the school as part of the review process. We will also be looking for parent/carer volunteers to come in and meet with members of the team when they visit in November. More information to follow but please save the dates if you are keen to be involved.
I am also delighted to announce that a very talented local musician (who also happens to be one of our parents) will be offering music workshops this term – we can’t wait for Mrs Sarah Phizacklea to start sharing Ukelele Dreams and Body Percussion with us!
Reminder – don’t forget to make meal choices in I-Pay Impact and please make sure that your child brings a warm and waterproof coat for school this term.
As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need to.