Week beginning 22nd January


In spite of some very chilly weather this week, the children and staff managed to think warm thoughts and get some fabulous learning done over the last week:

PATCH workshops

Emily Love was extremely impressed with the P5,6 and 7 pupils in the workshops for the PATCH project on Wednesday and found them to be polite, enthusiastic and keen to discuss the issues raised. If you wish to know the topics covered, you can check out the resources on the website page here:

Learning in our classrooms

Make sure you check out SeeSaw to see the wonderful making and number work that has been happening in the ELC this week, the  fantastic baking that happened in the P1 to 4 class and the beautiful Steven-Brown inspired pictures that the P5 to 7s have been working on. You can also find a reminder of weekly numeracy and wraparound spelling tasks for P5 to 7 pupils in SeeSaw.

Coming up:

Burns celebration

The catering team will be offering haggis, neeps and tatties as an additional menu choice on Thursday 25th January. As a school we will be having a Burns celebration lunch, with all staff, school and ELC children eating together in the P5 to 7 classroom. All children are welcome to wear a tartan item or accessory on Thursday, if they would like to do so.

We know haggis is not for everyone therefore the original menu choices for that day will still be available to order. For your information these are: Beef Burger, Vegetable and Lentil Cottage Pie or a Chicken Baguette.

If your child would like to order the haggis please use the Specific Diet option from the dropdown menu for that day. The kitchen need to know the numbers for the haggis for Monday so please make your choices as soon as possible. If you have already made your choices for next week but wish to edit them, you are able to do so. If any ELC families wish to order the haggis, please inform ELC staff or email: enquiries-tayvallich@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Parent Council Meeting

AMENDED 22.1.24 with an apology from Mrs Carter.

There will be no Parent Council Meeting in the week beginning 29th January.

The school would like to hold a meeting for all parents where I will update you about some recent developments and involve you in some forward planning around our proposed whole school learning trip in March. I will send out a google form with next week’s bulletin to ask you about when it would suit you best to hold it, if possible prior to the February break.

Nessy literacy

We are very excited that, in addition to using Sumdog to support our children’s numeracy, we are now introducing of Nessy, an online platform that supports literacy. Nessy was originally created to support the learning of children with dyslexia but is now used as a fun, science-based approach to help improve the reading and writing skills of all learners. You can find out more here: https://www.nessy.com/en-gb

We have a paid subscription for Nessy in school and will be issuing each child in P1 to P7 with a login to use.

You can find our privacy notices for Sumdog and Nessy on the Documents page of our website, or by clicking here: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/school-documents-and-policies/

Support for attendance

As a Head Teacher and a parent, I am very aware of the factors that can impact on the attendance of our children in school and the reasons that, sometimes, they can’t be in class learning. When they aren’t there we miss them very much and do all we can to help them join in with learning after they have been absent. As you know, I also work very closely with you to manage the impact of absence on our children. Our local authority also have a number of supports in place to help any families who are struggling with getting their child into school; please see the letter from our Head Of Service Jen Crocket attached to the weekly email about this and the information leaflet on our website here.

Reminder – Education Vision Consultation

The Argyll and Bute Parent Council Group is offering parents the chance to share their views on this during a Google Meet session.  They will capture feedback during the discussion to feed into the consultation. This is open to all parents, not just Parent Council representatives.  You are very much encouraged to participate either through the consultation form (in the link above) or by joining one of the support sessions noted below.

Wednesday 24th January 18:30-19:30https://meet.google.com/rzn-jpzy-iyq?hs=122&authuser=0

Thursday 25th January 13:00-14:00https://meet.google.com/hcg-mnyo-zwd?hs=122&authuser=0

Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.
