Week beginning 21st August


I hope that everyone had a good first week of term. We certainly did in school and were delighted to have the children back. I enjoyed giving them their lucky start of term rocks – because they all rock!


Data checking and consent forms.

On Monday, all pupils will come home with a sealed envelope addressed to their main parent(s) or carer(s).

In this, you will find:

  • The annual data check form that asks you about your contact details and those of other emergency contacts for your child as well as any medical information that we hold about your child. Please read this very carefully, make any changes as necessary, sign each of the pages at the bottom and return the forms to school in a sealed envelope at your earliest convenience and no later than Wednesday 23rd August 2023;
  • The consents handbook that relates to your permissions for use of the internet to support your child’s learning, skin protection, ongoing participation in the NHS Childsmile Toothbrushing Programme and participation in walks and activities close to the school premises;
  • The consents form that relates to your permission for us to use or share images and videos of your child and/or your child’s work;
  • A letter about flu vaccinations from the NHS
  • New P1s only – a consent from for your child to take part in the NHS Childsmile Toothbrushing Programme, the NHS School Health Screening Programme and an information letter about MMR vaccinations

I will add a covering letter in the envelope adding a little more information about all of these as required.


Everyone appears to be doing really well with using Ipay Impact and where there have been issues, we have contacted individual families.

Please note that if you wish to choose a menu option for your child but they are not able to eat an element of the meal for medical reasons, you will need to complete a Specific Dietary Request form that outlines why the meal needs to be served differently for your child (and giving your consent for this). Otherwise your child will be served the full meal and will need to leave the part they do not like on the side of the plate.

New clerical

Mrs Briggs continues her induction this week and any queries you have should continue to be directed to me.  We are checking the Enquiries email each day and picking up emails and voicemails but if you require an urgent response, please use my direct email address or phone line.

We have updated the information about when our reception is staffed and you can find it here: Welcome Visitors 20.8.23 


We are in the process of finalising our calendar for the year which will give you advanced notice of dates for: issue of school reports; opportunities for us to discuss your child’s learning with us; trips (including the P7 residential); performances; fundraising days; Parent Council Meetings and events (including parties and discos).

After such a busy year last year we know that there is a lot to do in the year ahead and we want to make sure that you all know about it in good time.

The first Parent Council Meeting of the Year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 7th September and more information will follow. We hope to welcome as many of you as possible to that.

Buses and taxi

In order to ensure that everyone stays safe at the end of the day, we are introducing a new protocol for dismissing pupils.

Children who are travelling home by school transport will be accompanied to the two buses and taxi at 3.25pm. The two buses and taxi will leave the site before the other children are brought out to the gate at 3.30.

As we have new drivers this session, parents and carers of the children who use school transport will need to liaise with the school transport team to access contact details for the drivers.


One of our regular PE sessions has now been timetabled for a Monday. Please ensure that your child wears their usual school top and shorts (weather permitting) leggings/jogging bottoms/shorts under a skirt or dress so that they can take part comfortably in a range of physical activities. All pupils should also ensure that they bring shoes suitable for physical activity with them each day.

Have a lovely week and you know how to contact me, if you need anything.
