Week beginning 18th September

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Another busy week has gone by with lots to report on!


This term, we have started up whole school weekly assemblies on a Tuesday.  In assemblies, we:

  • share things that everyone in the school needs to hear about what is coming up in the week ahead
  • celebrate good things that have happened
  • talk about a particular children’s right that we are focussing on

We can also:

  • hear from pupils who may have things they want to say – maybe the pupil council
  • hear from visitors

This week our focus was on safety; we looked at how many of the rights in the UNCRC are about adults working together in the best interests of all of our children to keep them safe (article 3).

Playground development project

On Thursday, the pupils in P1 to P7 worked with Mrs Rowe and Miss Forgrieve to share their views and opinions on how to make our playtimes even better for everyone. They heard all about the discussions at last week’s Parent Council Meeting, gave their views and were listened to about what equipment should be bought with the funds raised (articles 12 and 13). We are extremely impressed by the ideas they shared and their commitment to making the playground a place where every individual child can play, rest and relax in a way that suits them and is safe for everyone (article 31).

Flower Show

This week in the ELC, one of our children in brought in the fantastic trophy that she had won back in August at the Tayvallich Flower Show.

I was so delighted to attend the Show on 9th August and see the incredible entries from our pupils, along the many, many prizes won. Mr Carter was also very impressed with the tree photographs entered, after working with the children on their photography skills.

The quality of the art, craft, photography and growing entries is a wonderful testament to the collaboration between Bob Moyes and his team, our school and the wider community and we are very grateful to everyone for giving the children the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in these areas.

We cannot wait for next year! Please check out some photos of the entries in the Gallery section of the website, here

Tayvallich Tatties

The enthusiasm for growing seen at the Flower Show has spilled into the new term and the P5,6,7 class has come up with some excellent ideas for using our school potato harvest.

On Wednesday 27th September, they are organising the launch of pop-up restaurant “Tayvallich Tatties” where there will serve potato-themed dishes to pupils in the P1 to 3 class and ELC

If any families can lend aprons for this event, in order to help create the full restaurant effect, please drop us an email at enquiries-tayvallich@argyll-bute.gov.uk.

ELC Learning about Jobs

I was thrilled to visit the ELC on Friday and pay a visit to hairdresser while I was there. The customer service was first class and I was delighted with my new hairstyle. You can see a picture at the top of this week’s update!

Parents Evenings

As you will know from the school calendar, Parents’ evenings will take place after school on Wednesday 27th September and Thursday 28th September where parents/carers can discuss with the class teacher how their child has settled into the new school year and the progress they are making.

Please submit a response to the Google Form included with this week’s email to tell us the time and format that suits you best.


Family learning questionnaires. I am very appreciative of the number of responses so far and the depth of your answers to the questions in these. This week I will send individual emails to those who have not managed to respond to see whether there is anything I can do to support you with this.

Ipay Impact – please remember to make meal choices for the week.

Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.

Kindest regards
