It is hard to know where the first week back after the holidays went; nearly week two already and only three weeks until the next week off!
Learning across the school
We made the most of the four days that the children were in school last week and there was wonderful learning going on across the school, with the P1 to 3 class doing some fantastic writing and the P4 to 7 class getting very enthusiastic about their personal projects and poetry.
We are delighted that Mrs Rowe is going to be using Seesaw to communicate with families from now on and she will be sending out the codes for connecting with the P1 to 3 Seesaw class in homework packs this week.
Miss Fraser and I will also be working with the P4 to 7 class over the coming weeks to make sure that they are confident with using Google Classroom. Many of you became familiar with this during lockdown and confidence with this platform is particularly important for our P7s ahead of their transition to High School where it is a key learning tool.
School site developments
I had really useful meetings last week about our school facilities, risk assessments and safe play with our School Premises Officer and the Education Health and Safety lead for the council.
We are looking to make adaptations in the redundant areas of the former Head Teacher accommodation so that we have access to more space for a range of activities.
Over the next few weeks and months we will be working with our Active Schools Co-ordinator and expert consultants on Outdoor Learning and Play to ensure that the children have the best possible experiences in our outdoor spaces.
Registration for P1
As you probably know, parents of children who turn five between March 1 2023 and February 28 2024 can register for Primary School from Monday January 16th. If you have an eligible child, you should have received an email about this but you can also find all the information you need about registration, how to request early entry to primary school, how to request an additional year of funded ELC or how to make a placing request here:
If you cannot access the website, please give us a call on the school number.
Anxiety and ADHD Information Session
As per my email last week, there is an information session being delivered by our health colleagues Lauren Welch and Rebecca Dunlop on ADHD and Anxiety this Wednesday 18th January at Lochgilphead Primary School from 4 til 6pm. The poster with more information is here.
Strike Action
The teaching unions are hopeful that they will be able to reach a settlement soon to ensure that future planned strike action will be avoided. However, there is a provisional strike day planned by some of the unions on Thursday 2nd February. You will be provided with more updates on this by the local authority as information is released by the unions.
It would be hugely appreciated if you could find a few minutes to complete the January 2023 version of the feedback survey which we issue on a regular basis which was sent to you last week. So far we have had 6 responses; many thanks to those of you who have responded already. We will keep the survey open for two more weeks. Your feedback and involvement in the life of the school really matters.
Have a lovely week and don’t forget to get in touch if you need to.