Week beginning 15th January

Flyer for Open Afternoon

Well, that week flew by and we had a fabulous five days full of focused learning and fun.

I was delighted to see the children in assembly on Wednesday and took the opportunity to show them our website gallery and remind ourselves  of the wonderful activities that we did just before the break and how proud we should be of ourselves.

Staff training session

Support staff from Tayvallich and Glassary schools had a fantastic day of learning on Friday when they started a training programme with DoBeMindful. The course will help us to develop our understanding of how to support children with regulation and Friday’s session was the starting point of a three year journey for our two schools. You can find out more about DoBeMindful here: Do-Be Mindful Homepage – Do-BeMindful.com

Education Vision Consultation

You may remember from the update that I sent on 18th December that Argyll and Bute Council Education Service is currently holding a consultation on its vision and strategy:


The Argyll and Bute Parent Council Group is offering parents the chance to share their views on this during a Google Meet session.  They will capture feedback during the discussion to feed into the consultation. This is open to all parents, not just Parent Council representatives.  You are very much encouraged to participate either through the consultation form (in the link above) or by joining one of the support sessions noted below:

Wednesday 24th January 18:30-19:30https://meet.google.com/rzn-jpzy-iyq?hs=122&authuser=0

Thursday 25th January 13:00-14:00https://meet.google.com/hcg-mnyo-zwd?hs=122&authuser=0

ELC Open Afternoon

You will remember that we held an Open Afternoon in the ELC in December and we are holding another one this week on Tuesday ahead of registration week that takes place between January 22nd and 28th. Please share this flyer with anyone who you may know with a child who will be registering for ELC in January 2024: http://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Flyer-for-Open-Afternoon.jpg

P1 Registration week

P1 Registration week takes place between 15th and 19th January and Mrs Briggs is on hand to help anyone who need help with the registration. Just drop her a line via the Enquiries email address.

If you know of any families who have children going into P1 who might benefit from what our wonderful school has to offer, please ask them to look at our website or get in touch so that they can come and have a look round.

Have a great week and you know where I am, if you need anything.
