Week beginning 14th August


I hope that you had a lovely break and that the children are looking forward to coming back to school and learning lots of new and exciting things as we start session 2023-24.

I am sure that there is a mix of excitement and nerves about coming back and for today, I just want to give some basic information and reminders to make Tuesday go as smoothly as possible.

Staff were in on Friday and will be again on Monday planning and getting classrooms ready. We are delighted to extend a very warm welcome to:

  • Miss Forgrieve, who will be the P5 to 7 class teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • Mrs Briggs, our new clerical (please see below).


We are very excited about seeing the children again.


Please remember to go on to I-Pay Impact and get lunches ordered for the week.

There are now three choices for each day, with a sandwich/jacket potato option in addition to the two other meals on offer. Starters/puddings have not been added to the system yet but will be provided for pupils to choose on a daily basis as before the holidays.


As last year, we will have regular PE sessions each week and class teachers will be in touch about this via Seesaw but we will also sometimes do extra movement/PE sessions to suit topics/the weather. Almost all PE activities can be done in school uniform (check out the handbook on page 5 here if you need a reminder of this: https://www.tayvallich.argyll-bute.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Tayvallich-School-Handbook-2023-2024.pdf) but please ensure that your children has a pair of trainers/PE shoes in a bag on their peg so that they can use these as needed.


Please ensure that your child has a water bottle filled with fresh water each day.

New clerical

As you will know, Mrs Lisa Briggs, our new School Clerical starts this week and we are delighted to welcome her. She will be undertaking induction training this week and so any queries you have in the first instance should be directed to me.

And finally……

If you have any news that you would like to share with me before Tuesday about your child that it may be helpful for us to know, please drop me an email and I will make sure that staff are updated. 

If your child is feeling worried about anything at all, remind them that breathing in for 4, holding for 4, breathing out for 6 and holding again for 4 will calm their body and mind.

As always, you know where I am if you need anything.
